Friday, December 20, 2019

The Supreme Court Is The Highest Of All Courts - 969 Words

The Supreme Court is the highest of all courts and is provided with the authority to decide whether or not state, federal, and local governments are acting within the law. The judicial branches authority is stated in United States Constitution Article III, which outlines the Supreme Courts appellate and original jurisdiction and congressional limitations for those accused of treason (, 2015, p. 9a) However, judicial review to interpret the Constitution and strike down the actions of the legislative and executive branches is not noted in the Constitution. Instead, judicial review came about in the case of Marbury v. Madison in 1803 when Chief Justice John Marshall pointed out that it was necessary for the Supreme Court to have the power to determine what the law is and overturn unconstitutional legislation and executive actions instead of through political bargaining (Hass, 2016). Since Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court has expanded its power of review as the final wo rd to interpret controversial issues to make sure they coincide with the constitution as the supreme law of the land. Nevertheless, the case of Marbury v. Madison ensued after President Adams left office, but before doing so, he appointed several judges in a power struggle between the Federalists and Non-federalists (, 2015). Adams was able to do this because Article II of the Constitution provides the President the opportunity to appoint judges to preside for life as approved byShow MoreRelated Courts Essay1059 Words   |  5 Pages The jurisdiction of the federal courts is defined in Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution, as extending in law and equity to all cases arising under the Constitution and federal legislation; to controversies to which the U.S. shall be a party, including those arising from treaties with other governments; to admiralty and maritime cases; to controversies between states; to controversies between a state, or its citizens, and foreign g overnments or their subjects; and to controversies betweenRead MoreContrasts and Comparisons Between State and Federal Court Systems773 Words   |  4 Pagestheir own court systems. Therefore, while the Constitution states that the federal government is supreme with regard to those powers delegated to it, the states remain supreme in matters reserved to them. Both the federal and state governments need their own court systems to apply and interpret their laws which are done by specifically spelling out the jurisdiction of their respective court systems. U.S. District Courts, U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, and the U.S. Supreme Court are all one typeRead MoreThe Canadian Criminal Justice System1219 Words   |  5 Pagesconsists of policing, courts, corrections and parole. The component of the Canadian Criminal Justice System that will be discussed is about the process and function of the courts. The criminal courts are responsible for determining the guilt or innocence of the person that is accused (Griffiths, 2015, p.147). As well as the courts are supposed to conclude the appropriate sentence while protecting their rights of the accused. 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Each court has its own responsibility, in this paper I will specify all of the responsibilities and the courts, state and federal, I will also identify the difference between them for better understanding. Furthermore I will continue to go into detail and state what I have learned about American courts and substantive law. There are four main federal courts in America; The United states Supreme CourtRead MoreAustralian Court Hierarchy1552 Words   |  7 PagesThe term Court Hierarchy is a very important word in the law world in modern society. Its definition gives a very clear and concise meaning to the law industry. The phrase can be split into two words to be easily dealt and understood. The word court is from a Greek derivative cohors or cohort meaning courtyard or retinue. Its definition from the dictionary certainly portrays the law as a very important and distinguished practice. a. A person or body of persons whose task is to hear andRead MoreThe United States Federal Courts1306 Words   |  6 PagesUnited States Federal Courts of today, are vastly different from what they were when our country was first beginning. The courts of the federal system today, are designed in a hierarchical manner, with the United States Supreme Court sitting as the highest court in the land, and as the court of las t appeal (Neubauer Fradella, 2008). While there are several different courts, which make up the federal system, there are laid out in a way that allows for an avenue of appeals for a courts decisions. TheseRead MoreWhat Is The Supreme Court Website1021 Words   |  5 Pages Kent College of Law United States Supreme Court Website referred to as â€Å"Oyez† provides information about the United States Supreme Court. The â€Å"Oyez† website is a free law project from Cornell’s Legal Information Institute , Chicago-Kent College of Law and, is a multimedia website devoted to making the Supreme Court of the United States accessible to everyone (Oyez, 2017). The â€Å"Oyez† project offers transcripts that are organized and searchable audio, plain English case summaries, illustratedRead MoreStructure of the Federal Court System1320 Words   |  6 Pagesthe states or to the people as individuals. It is, in its own words, â€Å"the supreme Law of the Land† (Shmoop Editorial Team). The first proposals to this new plan were the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. The Virginia Plan called for a separation of powers among the government’s three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. Some states proposed this idea and came up with the New Jersey Plan, which called for all of the states to have equal representation from Congress. In order to moveRead MoreShould The Language Of The Constitution Be Applied?1135 Words   |  5 Pagesare the supreme law of the land, if this didn’t exist then states would have more power over the federal government. 1 Describe the difference between the state limited-jurisdiction courts and general jurisdiction courts.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Limited jurisdiction courts only have jurisdiction in specific in only well-defined areas of law. General jurisdiction courts have general jurisdiction over all subject matters within their local jurisdiction. 2 What are the functions of the state intermediate courts and the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gertrude Stein Essay Example For Students

Gertrude Stein Essay Gertrude SteinI know I am (Burnett 51). This response form Gertrude Stein was given in answer to the question You think you are a genius? posed to her by the French artist Henri Matisse. This was the epitome of Stein. Born in 1876, in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Gertrude was the fifth child, and youngest, to Daniel and Amelia Stein, German-Jewish immigrants. She was a bright girl, but was noted for her lifelong indifference to rules (Gombar 41), especially in school. The early death of her mother was the cause of this. Her father was the king of his castle, often acting as a tyrant, and Stein credited her lifelong aversion to all authorities and father figures (Gombar 41) to him. Gertrude always had a close relationship to her older brother, Leo. They were fast friends throughout their childhood, and into their adulthood. Though she had completed few years of high school, and did not meet the requirements in Latin, when Leo attended Harvard in 1892, Gertrude followed in 1893, in the womens Harvard Annex. While at Harvard, she was taken under the wing of noted psychoanalyst, William James. James had an effect on Steins later writings as well. His method of automatic writing, in which subjects wrote down their unedited, free-associative thoughts (Gombar 42), was often the way Gertrude wrote many of her literary pieces. In 1897, she was denied her bachelors degree, but the next year, she graduated magna cum laude with the class of 1898. Because of high recommendations from James and her other professors, she was granted admission to Johns Hopkins Medical School, where her brother was also studying. They lived together in Baltimore, and Leo would gather friends o n the weekends for their infamous salons. Leo, from his familiar post leaning against the bookcase, would direct discussions that lasted five to six hours. Life was pleasant in their household, and Gertrude failed to notice Leo was changing. Within weeks, he was packed and on his way to Europe. For a while, Gertrude lived with another roommate, but she, too, got restless, and in 1903, she joined Leo in Europe. After traveling in Europe and Africa, she settled with Leo in France. Their apartment at 27 rue de Fleurus was soon filled with paintings by the new Modernists, such as Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne, and Henri Matisse. Being among the first to accept the Modernist paintings, Gertrude and Leo became friends with the artists. Picasso was particularly friendly with Gertrude, and in 1906, he painted a portrait of her that became one of his best known. Under the rich French culture, Gertrudes works flourished. From 1906 to 1909, she wrote The Making of Americans, a novel based on her own familys cultural history over three generations. She devised a complex narrative style that abandoned formal plotting and adopted a free prose with odd syntax and punctuation (Gertrude Stein 19th Century American History 1). Leo, however, was not at all pleased with his sisters methods. The Cubist paintings that inspired her work left Leo regarding it with scorn. Regardless of this, the apartment became a literary salon for many artists and writers in Paris, who came to Gertrude for advice and criticism. When Gertrude met Alice Toklas, a young woman from California, in 1909, she found a friend who appreciated her work. She invited Alice to live with her and Leo. The rift between Leo and Gertrude grew, and Leo moved out four years later. Alice was Gertrudes friend, lover, and confidante for the rest of their lives. She helped Gertrude with typing, and even with publishing when the founded their own publishing company, Plain Edition, many years later. .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .postImageUrl , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:hover , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:visited , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:active { border:0!important; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:active , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: On the Road to His Grave EssayThe salons continued, even with Leos absence. Artists and writers would still flock to Gertrude for advice and help on their work. The regulars would sometimes bring, or introduce by other means, young American writers in need of help. Ernest Hemingway, one of the young writers most influenced by Gertrude, was part of what she called the lost generation. Sent to her by Sherwood Anderson, she found him a good listener and a teachable student. Under her critical eye, she helped him realize that his poems were good, and his short stories were acceptable, but

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Having a busy life free essay sample

It’s funny how everyone is constantly going, getting stuff done. You go from the beginning of freshman year to sophomore year in the blink of an eye, where does the time go? When does the time matter? It feels as though once I get one task accomplished I’m expected to fulfill the next; it’s a never-ending cycle. With busy schedules that consist of wake up, get ready, go to school, go to work, eat, homework, clean, and so on, how could we have the time to simply just stop and think. By the time we have completed the lengthy list of daily tasks we are simply too exhausted or tired to sit down and reflect over our day. Some days I go home and honestly I couldn’t tell you what I had for lunch. On top of my classes I also participate in Dance, Robotics, and a full time job. We will write a custom essay sample on Having a busy life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of my close friends has FFA, FCCLA, volleyball, Basketball, Track, and all A’s. We busy ourselves with daily schoolwork and extracurricular activities to the point that we are simply just trying to climb out of the mounds of papers and piles of athletic shoes just to crawl into bed out of pure exhaustion. What happened to the days where we had playtime? Would we even know what to do with it? If you sat our grade together in a room and took away our phones, homework, worries, sport practices, and all other distractions, what would we do? Honestly the last time I had absolutely nothing to do I just took a nap. That’s almost pathetic when I was little I was creative with my time I had a big imagination and was loaded with curiosity and energy, now I just nap. I remember the blankets draped over chairs to make forts and drawings cluttering the fridge. It’s sad to see that napping is the way I prefer to spend my small amount of unscheduled time. I’ve somewhat out grown hanging out with my friends ever since they got their cell phones we are together, but we aren’t, they text all the people they aren’t with; you get little time in between the pattern of ringers going off. Secrets are no longer kept they are sent through text to anyone willing to give them time. I am not just saying my friends do this I find myself guilty of this too but honestly I really wish it would just stop. I miss the time of late night sleepovers; giggling over boys and gossiping. In the midst of a society centered on technology how could we possibly just step away from it? The little things in life are a blessing and a curse at the same time. They can either make or break your day and there really is not an in between. In 5 seconds you could have a new inside joke with your best friend or you could trip and see half the school laugh at you. Some of the little things that happen throughout the day can make a big impact and only take a small amount of time. We need to reflect on these bits of time I don’t mean to fret over them, but just smile over them. It’s the small things that happen in a day that make our lives good, When you help a friend work out a problem or are there just to let them vent. When you smile and wave at all the familiar faces you see throughout the day. Simply reminiscing with a family member or friend, is one of those moments that you will remember a lot better than the busy daily routine you do have. If we could cut back on the extracurricular activities and put away our phones for a few minutes wouldn’t it make us better people? Stepping away from the glare of cell phone screens and pressures of school and just enjoy our last bits of time before being adults sounds wonderful. We just need a small amount of time to enjoy the smaller moments in life. Our time is cluttered with activities and social networking crammed into every waking moment, when does it ever end?