Friday, December 20, 2019

The Supreme Court Is The Highest Of All Courts - 969 Words

The Supreme Court is the highest of all courts and is provided with the authority to decide whether or not state, federal, and local governments are acting within the law. The judicial branches authority is stated in United States Constitution Article III, which outlines the Supreme Courts appellate and original jurisdiction and congressional limitations for those accused of treason (, 2015, p. 9a) However, judicial review to interpret the Constitution and strike down the actions of the legislative and executive branches is not noted in the Constitution. Instead, judicial review came about in the case of Marbury v. Madison in 1803 when Chief Justice John Marshall pointed out that it was necessary for the Supreme Court to have the power to determine what the law is and overturn unconstitutional legislation and executive actions instead of through political bargaining (Hass, 2016). Since Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court has expanded its power of review as the final wo rd to interpret controversial issues to make sure they coincide with the constitution as the supreme law of the land. Nevertheless, the case of Marbury v. Madison ensued after President Adams left office, but before doing so, he appointed several judges in a power struggle between the Federalists and Non-federalists (, 2015). Adams was able to do this because Article II of the Constitution provides the President the opportunity to appoint judges to preside for life as approved byShow MoreRelated Courts Essay1059 Words   |  5 Pages The jurisdiction of the federal courts is defined in Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution, as extending in law and equity to all cases arising under the Constitution and federal legislation; to controversies to which the U.S. shall be a party, including those arising from treaties with other governments; to admiralty and maritime cases; to controversies between states; to controversies between a state, or its citizens, and foreign g overnments or their subjects; and to controversies betweenRead MoreContrasts and Comparisons Between State and Federal Court Systems773 Words   |  4 Pagestheir own court systems. 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Each court has its own responsibility, in this paper I will specify all of the responsibilities and the courts, state and federal, I will also identify the difference between them for better understanding. Furthermore I will continue to go into detail and state what I have learned about American courts and substantive law. There are four main federal courts in America; The United states Supreme CourtRead MoreAustralian Court Hierarchy1552 Words   |  7 PagesThe term Court Hierarchy is a very important word in the law world in modern society. Its definition gives a very clear and concise meaning to the law industry. The phrase can be split into two words to be easily dealt and understood. The word court is from a Greek derivative cohors or cohort meaning courtyard or retinue. Its definition from the dictionary certainly portrays the law as a very important and distinguished practice. a. A person or body of persons whose task is to hear andRead MoreThe United States Federal Courts1306 Words   |  6 PagesUnited States Federal Courts of today, are vastly different from what they were when our country was first beginning. The courts of the federal system today, are designed in a hierarchical manner, with the United States Supreme Court sitting as the highest court in the land, and as the court of las t appeal (Neubauer Fradella, 2008). While there are several different courts, which make up the federal system, there are laid out in a way that allows for an avenue of appeals for a courts decisions. TheseRead MoreWhat Is The Supreme Court Website1021 Words   |  5 Pages Kent College of Law United States Supreme Court Website referred to as â€Å"Oyez† provides information about the United States Supreme Court. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gertrude Stein Essay Example For Students

Gertrude Stein Essay Gertrude SteinI know I am (Burnett 51). This response form Gertrude Stein was given in answer to the question You think you are a genius? posed to her by the French artist Henri Matisse. This was the epitome of Stein. Born in 1876, in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Gertrude was the fifth child, and youngest, to Daniel and Amelia Stein, German-Jewish immigrants. She was a bright girl, but was noted for her lifelong indifference to rules (Gombar 41), especially in school. The early death of her mother was the cause of this. Her father was the king of his castle, often acting as a tyrant, and Stein credited her lifelong aversion to all authorities and father figures (Gombar 41) to him. Gertrude always had a close relationship to her older brother, Leo. They were fast friends throughout their childhood, and into their adulthood. Though she had completed few years of high school, and did not meet the requirements in Latin, when Leo attended Harvard in 1892, Gertrude followed in 1893, in the womens Harvard Annex. While at Harvard, she was taken under the wing of noted psychoanalyst, William James. James had an effect on Steins later writings as well. His method of automatic writing, in which subjects wrote down their unedited, free-associative thoughts (Gombar 42), was often the way Gertrude wrote many of her literary pieces. In 1897, she was denied her bachelors degree, but the next year, she graduated magna cum laude with the class of 1898. Because of high recommendations from James and her other professors, she was granted admission to Johns Hopkins Medical School, where her brother was also studying. They lived together in Baltimore, and Leo would gather friends o n the weekends for their infamous salons. Leo, from his familiar post leaning against the bookcase, would direct discussions that lasted five to six hours. Life was pleasant in their household, and Gertrude failed to notice Leo was changing. Within weeks, he was packed and on his way to Europe. For a while, Gertrude lived with another roommate, but she, too, got restless, and in 1903, she joined Leo in Europe. After traveling in Europe and Africa, she settled with Leo in France. Their apartment at 27 rue de Fleurus was soon filled with paintings by the new Modernists, such as Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne, and Henri Matisse. Being among the first to accept the Modernist paintings, Gertrude and Leo became friends with the artists. Picasso was particularly friendly with Gertrude, and in 1906, he painted a portrait of her that became one of his best known. Under the rich French culture, Gertrudes works flourished. From 1906 to 1909, she wrote The Making of Americans, a novel based on her own familys cultural history over three generations. She devised a complex narrative style that abandoned formal plotting and adopted a free prose with odd syntax and punctuation (Gertrude Stein 19th Century American History 1). Leo, however, was not at all pleased with his sisters methods. The Cubist paintings that inspired her work left Leo regarding it with scorn. Regardless of this, the apartment became a literary salon for many artists and writers in Paris, who came to Gertrude for advice and criticism. When Gertrude met Alice Toklas, a young woman from California, in 1909, she found a friend who appreciated her work. She invited Alice to live with her and Leo. The rift between Leo and Gertrude grew, and Leo moved out four years later. Alice was Gertrudes friend, lover, and confidante for the rest of their lives. She helped Gertrude with typing, and even with publishing when the founded their own publishing company, Plain Edition, many years later. .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .postImageUrl , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:hover , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:visited , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:active { border:0!important; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:active , .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u93ead080c09f080fd6f5f0d4d1affb3f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: On the Road to His Grave EssayThe salons continued, even with Leos absence. Artists and writers would still flock to Gertrude for advice and help on their work. The regulars would sometimes bring, or introduce by other means, young American writers in need of help. Ernest Hemingway, one of the young writers most influenced by Gertrude, was part of what she called the lost generation. Sent to her by Sherwood Anderson, she found him a good listener and a teachable student. Under her critical eye, she helped him realize that his poems were good, and his short stories were acceptable, but

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Having a busy life free essay sample

It’s funny how everyone is constantly going, getting stuff done. You go from the beginning of freshman year to sophomore year in the blink of an eye, where does the time go? When does the time matter? It feels as though once I get one task accomplished I’m expected to fulfill the next; it’s a never-ending cycle. With busy schedules that consist of wake up, get ready, go to school, go to work, eat, homework, clean, and so on, how could we have the time to simply just stop and think. By the time we have completed the lengthy list of daily tasks we are simply too exhausted or tired to sit down and reflect over our day. Some days I go home and honestly I couldn’t tell you what I had for lunch. On top of my classes I also participate in Dance, Robotics, and a full time job. We will write a custom essay sample on Having a busy life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of my close friends has FFA, FCCLA, volleyball, Basketball, Track, and all A’s. We busy ourselves with daily schoolwork and extracurricular activities to the point that we are simply just trying to climb out of the mounds of papers and piles of athletic shoes just to crawl into bed out of pure exhaustion. What happened to the days where we had playtime? Would we even know what to do with it? If you sat our grade together in a room and took away our phones, homework, worries, sport practices, and all other distractions, what would we do? Honestly the last time I had absolutely nothing to do I just took a nap. That’s almost pathetic when I was little I was creative with my time I had a big imagination and was loaded with curiosity and energy, now I just nap. I remember the blankets draped over chairs to make forts and drawings cluttering the fridge. It’s sad to see that napping is the way I prefer to spend my small amount of unscheduled time. I’ve somewhat out grown hanging out with my friends ever since they got their cell phones we are together, but we aren’t, they text all the people they aren’t with; you get little time in between the pattern of ringers going off. Secrets are no longer kept they are sent through text to anyone willing to give them time. I am not just saying my friends do this I find myself guilty of this too but honestly I really wish it would just stop. I miss the time of late night sleepovers; giggling over boys and gossiping. In the midst of a society centered on technology how could we possibly just step away from it? The little things in life are a blessing and a curse at the same time. They can either make or break your day and there really is not an in between. In 5 seconds you could have a new inside joke with your best friend or you could trip and see half the school laugh at you. Some of the little things that happen throughout the day can make a big impact and only take a small amount of time. We need to reflect on these bits of time I don’t mean to fret over them, but just smile over them. It’s the small things that happen in a day that make our lives good, When you help a friend work out a problem or are there just to let them vent. When you smile and wave at all the familiar faces you see throughout the day. Simply reminiscing with a family member or friend, is one of those moments that you will remember a lot better than the busy daily routine you do have. If we could cut back on the extracurricular activities and put away our phones for a few minutes wouldn’t it make us better people? Stepping away from the glare of cell phone screens and pressures of school and just enjoy our last bits of time before being adults sounds wonderful. We just need a small amount of time to enjoy the smaller moments in life. Our time is cluttered with activities and social networking crammed into every waking moment, when does it ever end?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The concept of revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay Example

The concept of revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet Paper In the Elizabethan era revenge was an important issue; this was a popular theme in the theatre and a main plot of the day. Shakespeares plays were in great demand by the public and had a great effect on the audiences who watched. Although most of the Elizabethan revenge plays were set in Italy or Spain the Elizabethan was still able to grasp the concept of the issues that were being raised in the play and was able to apply these issues to their daily living. Shakespeare was greatly influenced by the classical Roman dramatist Seneca; Shakespeare applied Senecas ideas to his work. This is because the structure and the plot of Senecas work were of such a high standard that Seneca became well known. Many revenge tragedies consists of a typical structure which, when analysed is found to be comprised of five parts which are as follows: Exposition this is usually shown through the image of a ghost who motivates the character to take revenge. We will write a custom essay sample on The concept of revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The concept of revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The concept of revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Anticipation this is where a planning of the revenge takes place. Confrontation This occurs between the avenger and the proposed victim. Delay The avenger has doubts as to whether or not he or she should carry out the murder. Completion this is the finale, which often concludes with the death of the revenger. In Shakespeares Hamlet there are two main plots, that is the main plot and the sub- plot. In the main plot of the play, Hamlet is commanded by the ghost of his father to seek revenge for his death. Before Hamlets encounter with the ghost Hamlet had no real motive of his own to seek revenge for the death of his father, as he was unaware of the cause. However, during this encounter the ghost says: Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (Act 1 Sc5 Line25) This is where the tragedy begins, Hamlet is unsure of what to do at this point, as he wants to do the right thing for his father. The ghost explains the events of his murder to Hamlet. O all you host of heaven! O earth! What else? And shall I couple hell? Oh fie! Hold, hold, my heart, (Act 1 Sc5 Line 92-93) This shocks and appals Hamlet. This is evident through the language and punctuation that Shakespeare uses to express Hamlets surprise and disgust of his uncles betrayal Hamlet has many questions in which he needed answering, as he does not understand why the death of his father has happened, he seeks to get his questions answered of how to seek revenge from a spiritual realm as he feels God has forsaken him. Ay so, God bye to you. Now I am alone. (Act2 Sc2 Line 501) Hamlet is indecisive as to what action to take, he vows to the ghost never to speak to anyone of their encounter or their conversation. With his newfound information, Hamlet now had to find evidence that Claudius committed the murder. The ghost of Hamlets father instigates Hamlets drive for revenge. From then on, Hamlets behaviour towards other people changes causing him to act strangely with everyone. He speaks in riddles for example, he withdraws people in society so that he is not asked any personal questions, which may cause him to declare he is looking for revenge, especially by Marcellus and Horatio who have also seen the ghost and are eager to find out who it was and what it required of Hamlet. Marcellus and Hortatio have been sworn to secrecy, not to speak of what they have seen. If they do see Hamlet acting strangely they are not to show any knowledge of why this is happening. At this point Hamlet begins to feign his madness in order as part of his revenge tactic so that he can buy time to find out if Claudius committed this murder or not. Why what an ass am I! This is most brave, That I, the son of the dear murdered, Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, Must like a whore un pack my heart with words and fall a cursing like a very drab, A scullion! (Act 2 Sc 2) Hamlet is ashamed of his own inaction. This is because he needed to be clear with his intentions as to what his motives are. Hamlet is now playing on his madness in order to catch his uncles conscience; as another revenge tactic Hamlet puts on a play which re-enacts the story of his fathers death. This use of reverse psychology does work as Hamlet and Horatio notice Claudius uneasy behaviour as the play progresses. Thomas Kyds The Spanish Tragedy also uses the technique of a play within a play in order to inform the Spanish King, Viceroy and the Duke of Castile of the events, which have occurred (Act 4 Sc 1). As for Hamlet, he does this so that he can investigate the reaction of Claudius. Hamlet wants to distinguish the fact as to whether or not Claudius is guilty of his fathers murder. The ghost informs Hamlet as to what happened the night he was murdered and he is told to seek revenge. Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (Act1 Sc5) Despite evidence to suggest Claudius is guilty and the desperate words of Hamlets fathers ghost convicting Claudius of the murder, Hamlets own conscience causes him to have second thoughts about killing his uncle. He ponders over his eternal consequences after death. Claudius is aware of what Hamlet is trying to achieve and knows he is feigning his madness. Claudius knows the reason why Hamlet has been acting this way and is threatened by this, as he knows he stands a chance of losing every thing. Claudius decides to send Hamlet to England because he fears he is a threat to everyone because if his madness so he wants every one to believe. Claudius has ulterior motives. He plans later in the plot with Laertes to have Hamlet killed. When Hamlet returns home from England he argues that his reasons for revenge are well justified. Hamlet expresses his regret in actions towards Laertes, he acknowledges that Laertes is seeking revenge and he understands him as a fellow avenger. That to Laertes I forgot myself, For by the images of my cause, I see The portraiture of his. Ill court his favours. But sure the bravery of his grief did put me Into a towering passion (Act 5 Scene 2 Line 76- 80) The second plot, which is the sub-plot of the play, is with relation to Laertes who wants to seek revenge for the death of his father and sister at the hand of Hamlet. While Hamlet is feigning in sanity, without any motive he kills someone who was spying on his mother who was in private room who turns out to be Polonius. This careless action or reaction also results in the death of Hamlets love and Laertes sister Ophelia. When Ophelia was told the tragic news of her fathers death, she was deeply affected mentally this consequently resulted in her insanity. Laertes is very vengeful as he returns from his voyage to find his sister in this strange state of mind and his father dead. Laertes turns to Claudius in his despair. Claudius attempts to calm Leartes down by reassuring him it was not him who committed the murder of his father but they together can investigate who is responsible for this even though he knows the main suspect. Like a good child and a true gentleman. That I am guiltless of your fathers death, and am most sensibly in grief for it, it shall as level to your judgement pierce As day does your eye (Act 4 Sc 5) The feud has now begun with Laertes, with his duty to avenge the death of his father. Laertes visits his sister and is daunted by the extent of her madness. This disturbs Laertes greatly and becomes his main focus that is, seeking revenge for the monstrous act, which has taken place. Claudius has his personal grudge against Hamlet and comes up with a plan of how Laertes can seek his revenge on Hamlet, which concludes with his death. Claudius plans for Alerts and Hamlet to have a duel, but he plans on sabotaging the duel by having one of the swords without a blunt. Laertes bids to poison the tip of the sword to ensure that Hamlets death is certain. Claudius agrees to this, as he believes it is the way to secure all that he has at stake, as Hamlet knows about the murder of the late king. At this point of the play revenge dominates many characters causing the dramatic tension to be very intense with both the plot and sub plot. The play is now at it its climax, leaving the audience in suspense as to what is going to happen next. In both plots the main characters want to seek their revenge, Laertes on Hamlet and Hamlet on Claudius. When looked at in depth both Hamlet and Laertes have a link with Claudius. Hamlet wants his revenge on Claudius; but also Laertes who wants revenge on Hamlet is used by Claudius to remove Hamlet. At this point of the play Shakespeare shows the consequences of revenge through multiple tragic events. Firstly Claudius asks Hamlet if he will duel with Laertes, he accepts. Hamlet apologises for the murder of his father and also Laertes accepts. They begin their duel. Claudius offers to order wine in celebration of Hamlets triumph Hamlet declines the drink, but Gertrude drinks from the cup unaware that it is poison. As the two continue to duel Hamlet gets wounded they exchange swords, Claudius was unaware that this was going to happen and Laertes is then wounded. Claudius believes his plot is going to plan not knowing that Laertes and Hamlet have settled their differences as Leartes reveals deceitful plan. Hamlet is livid at this precise moment with Claudius as he wounds him and forces him to drink form the poisonous cup. Claudius dies shortly after Leartes and finally Hamlet who declares Fortinbras to be his choice for king. In concluding it would be fair to say this revenge tragedy is more about questions than answers. ( Search: Shakespeares revenge) Although the play is dominated by revenge Shakespeare devotes the climax of the play to the consequences of seeking revenge. The character of Hamlet was presented as a great and noble figure that suffered a great deal after his father died to the point of where he lost every thing including his mind. This suffering is evident from the beginning of the play and continues throughout as Hamlet is faced with making some difficult decisions. To make his situation worse he loses his chance for the throne, which was his birthright, his mother, Ophelia, friends and his peace of mind. Hamlet experiences a tremendous down fall and recognises that there is satisfaction in getting revenge however, he continues to seek revenge. From a moral standpoint revenge is seen as an immoral act as it is seen as seeking personal justice which is socially unacceptable however, it is also a human instinct which requires a great deal of self control to gainsay . Some people resort to revenge based on the theory of An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth which they believe justifies their actions before God. Criminals still use this as a way of defending honour today even though seeking your own revenge is illegal. The plot in Hamlet draws us in to the play, which allows the reader to think deeply about the issues that have been raised about morality as the play questions moral goodness. This is where Hamlet comes face to face with the fact that we as humans are all going to die regardless of wealth or class. Although Hamlet was set in the Elizabethan era, the issues raised in this essay are still relevant to a contemporary audience. The issues were as relevant then as they are today.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Health Service Users In Higher Education Social Work Essay Example

Health Service Users In Higher Education Social Work Essay Example Health Service Users In Higher Education Social Work Essay Health Service Users In Higher Education Social Work Essay Following legion policy directives from the Department of Health, the inclusion of service users in the preparation of wellness professionals has become compulsory. Service user groups are peculiarly active in mental wellness preparation and there are several enterprises that have been implemented within the UK to ease their engagement in higher instruction bringing. This paper undertakes a critical reappraisal of the placement of mental wellness service users in developing programmes within a diverse scope of subjects, and categorises them into three countries: understanding the new linguistic communication, barriers and benefits, and the positions and readying of service users for functions within higher instruction. While there are promoting developments within this country, there is besides a demand to develop consistence in readying and development of these enterprises to counter the barriers that may authors rise. Keywords: Higher Education, Mental Health, Service Users, Carers, Training Introduction In 1999 the National Service model for Mental Health ( Department of Health, 1999 ) established that service users ( SU ) and carers must go involved in all facets of the preparation for wellness attention professionals. Since so, farther paperss such as the Health and Social Care Act ( 2001 ) ; Commissioning a Service User Led NHS ( Department of Health, ) and the White Paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Say ( Department of Health, 2005b ) , every bit good as enterprises lead by The Health Care Commission ( 2005 ) have contributed to locate service users engagement in higher instruction ( HE ) as a precedence on the docket of mental wellness policies. Such enterprises straight challenge traditional theoretical accounts of attention where professionals were seen as the experts in mental wellness jobs while service users were a passive receiver of attention ( Foucault, 1980 ) . Mental wellness is today conceptualised as a continuum, on which all mental wellness provinces are featured. To ease the execution of authorities policies workforce alliances and educational establishments have developed farther guidelines for the engagement of service users and carers in higher instruction. For illustration, the National Institute for Mental Health ( NIMHE ) adapted degrees of engagement developed by several writers ( Forrest, Risk, Masters, A ; Brown, 2000 ; Goss A ; Miller, 1995 ) to assist Workforce Development Confederations to scrutinize user and carer engagement in higher instruction. Additionally, Tew, Gell and Foster ( 2004 ) developed an appraisal model to be used for higher instruction establishments. The ladder of engagement considers that mental wellness service users could take part at different degrees runing from degree one ( no engagement ) to level five ( engagement in complete partnership ) . Professional and regulative organic structures have shown conformity with policies taking to new criterions of attention. For illustration, the Royal College of Psychiatrists made mandatary for trainees in psychopathology to have preparation from SUs ( Fadden, Shooter, A ; Holsgrove, 2005 ) ; the Chief Nursing Officer s Review of Mental Health Nursing ( Department of Health, 2006 ) established new nucleus competencies that have to be achieved through incorporating SUs within the nursing educational procedure and service users, and carers form portion of the revised standards for the Accreditation of Postgraduate Training Programs in Clinical Psychology ( BPS 2008 ) . Since the launch of all those policies, a overplus of illustrations and articles has emerged demoing how service users and carers have contributed to mental wellness and societal attention instruction at a scope of degrees and through the UK geographics. For illustration, in nursing ( Frisby, 2001 ; Langdon, Barnes, Haslehurst, Rimmer, A ; Turton, 2003 ) ; societal work ( Branfield, 2009 ; Levin, 2004 ) ; clinical psychological science ( Cooke A ; Hayward, 2010 ; Harper, Goodbody, A ; Steen, 2005 ) and medical preparation ( Fadden et al. , 2005 ; Wykurz A ; Kelly, 2002 ) . Such grounds surely highlights the development of user-involvement in HE, and illustrations of good pattern have been disseminated. However there is small effort to synthesize this literature peculiarly with mention to HE bringing. Taking all the above into history, a critical reappraisal of the literature was felt necessary at this phase. The chief purpose was to place emergent subjects and concerns shared by writers when using constabularies of users involvement in higher instruction into pattern and to place countries of farther work in pattern and research. The literature reappraisal: hunt scheme The hunt standards were refined to literature published since 1999 in line with the National Service Framework for mental wellness. Several on-line databases were searched: AMED, BNI, CINAHL, EMBASE, Health Business Elite, MEDLINE, PsychArticles, PsycInfo, ScienceDirect, and Web of Knowledge. Using a synonym finder and free text hunts, hunt footings were expanded to include mental wellness, service user, engagement, engagement, higher instruction, college, university, instruction, and pupil. In entire, over two 100 articles were retrieved and their mention lists hand- searched through to place farther relevant literature that may non hold appeared in the original database hunt. To spread out the hunt, writers of the most relevant articles were contacted, as were conference talkers and website decision makers in an attempt to supply inside informations of any current research they may be involved in. To set up relevance and to bring forth a literature reappraisal that was both extended but besides specific to our subject of involvement, we needed to specify the exact parametric quantities that we were seeking for. This led us to set up some exclusion standards. One such exclusion was articles that addressed mental wellness service users engagement in research undertakings. Many articles documented how service users were being recruited as participants in university research undertakings. However, these illustrations of SU engagement were non direct instruction and were non specifically aligned to education bringing. Our focal point was on how HE establishments involved service users in categories, talks, and as established members of staff in their instruction programmes. We besides chose to exclude any mention to service users being involved in instruction unless it was specifically higher instruction. Much of the stuff addressed how service users could take part in the prepara tion of health care professionals, but within independently organised workshops. We felt that that utilizing these exclusion standards would non merely supply a streamlined hunt scheme relevant to our research subject, but would besides let us to detect how establishments were following with the aforesaid authorities statute law to include service users in the bringing of higher instruction. Searching the literature in this manner was conducted on the footing of seeking to reply several inquiries. The first indispensable question lies in finding the current state of affairs of engagement of mental wellness SUs in HE. A demand besides exists to set up the chief issues that emerge with seeking to use current policies on mental wellness SUs and developing wellness professionals. Finally the cardinal question demands what we can larn from the grounds and what future developments are possible. Consequences: general observations Maping the literature resulted in a principal of surveies that spanned several subjects. From the articles that met our inclusion criteria the following capable countries from which they emerged were identified: Nursing = 53 articles Social Work = 26 Inter-professional = 22 Medical = 16 Psychiatry = 7A Psychology = 2 In measuring the attack of these surveies, we identified the undermentioned dislocation: Involvement suggestions = 17 ( e.g. appraisal ) Involvement ratings = 22 Case study = 40 Contemplations = 15 ( e.g. interviews, SU experiences ) Literature reappraisal = 8 Quantitative study = 5 Other = 19 ( e.g. Conference proceedings, web site, workshop ) Three systematic reappraisals were identified. Repper A ; Breeze ( Repper A ; Breeze, 2004 ) reviewed the literature on user and carer engagement in the preparation and instruction of mental wellness attention workers. They found that the bulk of documents selected for their reappraisal provided descriptions of consumer engagement undertakings with accent on the procedure of affecting users and callings instead than looking at the consequence that this engagement produced in pupils. Merely seven documents reported the result of consumer engagement in training/education and none examined the consequence of such instruction on pattern. Traveling more specifically in to mental wellness pattern for nursing pupils, Gray et Al. ( 2010 ) found that several writers ( e.g. Branfield, 2009 ; Speers, 2008 ) recommended the development of protocols to supply construction when affecting users in these activities. Wykurtz and Kelly ( 2002 ) completed a systematic reappraisal of publications from 1970 to 2001 discoursing the function of patients as active instructors in medical instruction. They identified 23 articles being merely one of these articles related to mental wellness, and the lone one co-authored by a health professional or patient ( Butterworth A ; Livingston, 1999 ) . They contributed to the grounds of positive benefits in users engagement in HE. Such reappraisals provide a utile penetration into bing work. Upon farther examination, we besides identified emergent subjects that the retrieved articles demonstrated. These will each be discussed and are: Understanding the new linguistic communication: issues originating from the usage of the new vocabulary, definition of specific footings, such as users and carers Barriers and Benefits: researching the single and institutional concerns built-in in the constitution and care of SU engagement. Service users readying and positions of engagement in HE bringing: turn toing the nature of preparation and designation of larning demands for SUs and carers. Understanding the new linguistic communication The inter-changeability and fluctuation of the nomenclature used in the articles was a most outstanding observation. In footings of specifying higher instruction, the information retrieved covered a scope of wellness professionals and subjects: medicine/psychiatry, nursing, occupational therapy, societal work, psychological science, graduate mental wellness workers, other professionals/programs ( e.g. certification in mental wellness work ) . Equally varied was the terminology applied to SUs and carers. Mental wellness SUs and carers are both different by definition and demands. However sometimes these footings appear in the literature as one sole entity and used inclusively. Traditionally, wellness professionals have given different names to the population they attend following the assorted theoretical theoretical accounts used as model. Doctors and nurses refer to the people they see for appraisal and intervention as patients while professionals from societal work A ; psychology specify them as clients and the footings users and/or, consumers are normally used from a managerial position. The term service user was adapted from societal policy by societal work in the early 1990s and it has become widely used across the UK by wellness and societal attention professions ( Anghel A ; Ramon, 2009 ) . Peoples widely accept these differences in vocabulary ( McGuire-Snieckus, McCabe, A ; Priebe, 2003 ) and suit to them. Service user administrations are besides lending to the field giving their ain definitions. They advocated that a service user should ever be self-identifying and seen as a individual foremost ( Determining our Lifes, 2003 ) and they have suggested to utilize the term citizen stakeholders ( Advocacy in Action, 2006 ) or to use footings such as resistant and survivors ( Distress Awareness Training Agency Website, 2010 ) All these incompatibilities sing the more appropriate nomenclature to be used were reflected in the literature and had been highlighted by writers ( Gray et al. , 2010 ; Rees, Knight, A ; Wilkinson, 2007 ; Simpson, Barkham, Gilbody, A ; House, 2003 ) . Some of them have adopted the definition proposed by Cooper A ; Spencer-Dawe ( 2006 ) in that that a service user is a individual who is ( or has been ) having any type of wellness or societal attention service. This definition has been seen a impersonal one ( Simpson et al. 2003 ) . Others ( Anghel A ; Ramon, 2009 ; Middleton, Stanton, A ; Renouf, 2004 ) proposed footings such as consultant , consumer adviser and/ or mental wellness consumer adviser to designate mental wellness service users as this would be more in harmony with the function they presently play. Others disagreed with this new nomenclature ( Moss, Boath, Buckley, A ; Colgan, 2009 ) as they have found in their surveies that participants would prefer the term s ervice user while others found that this may be inappropriate and considered violative ( Humphreys, 2005 ; Tyler, 2006 ) . Furthermore, understanding the new linguistic communication applies in the other way, this being service users going accustomed to the linguistic communication within academe. Many writers assert that the nature of academic argument and attach toing slang can efficaciously except service users and carers, and hence consequence in them experiencing intimidated and frustrated ( Basset, Campbell, A ; Anderson, 2006 ; Essen et al. , 2009 ; Scots Voices, 2008 ; Tew et al. , 2004 ) . Such sentiments lead suitably to the wider consideration of barriers to serve user integrating in higher instruction. Barriers and benefits Many articles approached the barriers to and benefits of SU engagement in both single and institutional contexts. On institutional degrees, several writers raised the high spot that the hierarchal civilization and constructions present within the HE establishments do non ease effectual coaction between faculty members and SUs. More specifically there was an inexplicit political orientation held that HE itself was a beginning of subjugation and exclusion that maintains bing inequalities in power dealingss and hierarchies ( Boxall, Carson, A ; Docherty, 2004 ; Hanley, 2005 ) . Other articles asserted that some faculty members used their cognition and expertness to project a sense of high quality over service users and carers and hence devaluate their engagement and sentiments ( Basset et al. , 2006 ; Branfield, Beresford, A ; Levin, 2007 ; Dogra, Anderson, Edwards, A ; Cavendish, 2008 ; Forbat, 2006 ; Tait A ; Lester, 2005 ) . Rees et Al. ( 2007 ) province that frequently service users and carers are non seen as holding a legitimate portion to play in instruction and preparation. In peculiar with regard to appraisal, the Social Care Institute for Excellence ( 2009 ) make the point that some faculty members believe that the appraisal of pupils is the exclusive state of them and disregard any added value that could be gained from the engagement of service users or carers. Such positions convey a damning indictment upon the purposes to make meaningful engagement, and are so barriers of an abstract and cloudy nature. However, on a more single degree, there are some practical and logistical concerns that besides serve to impede instead than advance engagement. Concerns such as payment of disbursals and concerns held by SUs that this may impact benefits, ( Basset et al. , 2006 ; Branfield et al. , 2007 ; Brown A ; Young, 2008 ) . Entree to installations, and a perceived tokenistic usage of SUs besides contrib ute to the structural and hierarchal hindrances outlined earlier. Felton and Stickley ( 2004 ) interviewed five mental wellness lectors to determine their positions of affecting service users in learning the undergraduate mental wellness nursing programme. Whilst four out of the five lectors by and large considered user engagement to be a good thing their subsequent parts suggested ambiguities. Although demoing consciousness of possible disadvantages of user engagement in higher instruction, respondents were non ever clear about the advantages. Furthermore, lectors did non desire the service users to go professionalised ; they wanted their function as patients maintained as this was perceived as more utile for engagement in the programme. Another sensed disadvantage for the users going professionalised was an eroding of their ain functions into that of glorified markers . In add-on to practical concerns that can straight impact persons, such issues arise in organizational factors. Other barriers raised in the literature concern the deficiency of substructure within SU administrations to get by with demand. The literature asserts that the engagement of service users and carers in the educational procedure equates to clip and resource ingestion when these trade goods are already committed ( Basset et al. , 2006 ; Edwards, 2003 ) . While HE administrations may non keep such disadvantages, it is argued that an built-in bias towards service users still abounds every bit, such as being disablement, undependability, being unpredictable or even unsafe ( Felton A ; Stickley 2004 ; Basset et Al. 2006 ; Branfield et Al. 2007 ; ( Haffling A ; Hakansson, 2008 ) ( Happell A ; Roper, 2009 ) ) . In malice of the aforesaid barriers identified in the literature, some articles besides featured the benefits of SU engagement in HE bringing. For pupils of classs in which Sessionss were delivered by SUs, the chance to reflect upon thought arousing feedback from SUs increased their assurance, motive and encouragement to farther heighten their pattern ( Bideau, Guerne, Bianchi, A ; Huber, 2006 ; Duxbury A ; Ramsdale, 2007 ) . Indeed, the wider issue of larning through brooding feedback is strongly supported whether the feedback was positive or negative. Evidence showed that positive and constructive feedback from service users and carers welcomed it and believed it was an of import portion of pupils acquisition procedures, while less than positive feedback sparked de-motivation ( Bailey, 2005 ) . Bailey besides reported that all service users found themselves sympathizing with the individual who was the focal point of the pupils appraisal and commented that they had felt empowere d and as a consequence of working with other service users had made new societal contacts. Other surveies reported that both pupils and user/carer participants found the experience positive. The pupils felt that listening to the user and carer position had facilitated a greater apprehension. The pupils felt privileged to hear the carer s narrative, happening the experience traveling, enlightening and informative ( Turner et al. , 2000 ) . Wood and Wilson-Barnett ( 1999 ) evaluated the consequence of user engagement on pupil larning utilizing a comparing research design. The findings showed pronounced differences between pupils who were and were non exposed to users. Students who had earlier exposure to user engagement showed more empathy and used less professional slang and a more individualized attack. They conclude that affecting service users earlier instead than subsequently in a programme may be more effectual in footings of act uponing larning If having negative feedback, pupils unsurprisingly became doubting about the whole procedure which impinged on their perceptual experience of the value of affecting service users and carers in their appraisal ( Rees et al. , 2007 ; Speers, 2008 ; Stickley et al. , 2010 ) besides made the observation that some of the pupils in their survey believed that the feedback from SUs was excessively glowing and lacked constructive unfavorable judgment. In seeking farther positions of SUs, many surveies shared the determination that they valued most extremely the humanistic accomplishments of pupils and led to increased power sharing , but this was limited within the university environment. These surveies besides highlighted that maintaining the impulse traveling for user engagement in professional instruction requires changeless high degrees of energy and committedness ( Masters et al. , 2002 ) which can be translated as added value ( Barnes, Carpenter, A ; Bailey, 2000 ) . Barnes et al. us ed a instance survey methodological analysis to measure a post-graduate programme of inter-professional instruction in community mental wellness. This paper besides described the development of a questionnaire to measure added value for SUs which could be attributed to the programme. The results that SUs prioritised were: pupils showing apprehension, and non merely seeking to work out jobs or push people into services ; handling service users with regard, non as labels ; professionals developing their capacity to be human ; pupils holding cognition about services, including protagonism services and service user groups ; and being able to supply information about how to affect service users in measuring their demands. Overall, this survey found that, whilst users parts were valued, they were non given the same acceptance by the programme participants as parts from senior faculty members from the field of psychopathology and psychological science. Masters et Al. ( 2002 ) focused on the rating of a scheme papers and its execution, from the position of all the stakeholders. Data was collected by two questionnaires, compiled for the intent. The service users found benefits in the acquisition of new accomplishments, increased assurance and a echt feeling of authorization. The issue of group rank besides straddles barriers and benefits of SU engagement in HE bringing. While there are clear benefits to pupils in footings of larning experience and great chances for common regard and partnerships between the HE and SU communities, there are besides troubles associated with keeping the positive differentiations between these groups to achieve meaningful engagement and pedagogical equilibrium. Indeed, several commentaries make the point that as service users and carers become used to the educational environment and learn to get by with the civilization so they are no longer genuinely representative of the service carer group ( Ahuja A ; Williams, 2005 ; Felton A ; Stickley, 2004 ; McGarry A ; Thom, 2004 ; Tait A ; Lester, 2005 ) . Such issues are per se held within the readying and preparation that SUs receive and besides deliver, which leads to the tierce of our subjects. Service users: readying and positions Few documents specified whether, or how, user or carer participants had been prepared for their educational function, nor how support was organised despite this being identified as of import by lectors ( Masters A ; Forrest, 2010 ; Turner et al. , 2000 ) and service users ( Curran, 1997 ) . Preparation tended to be informal such as a short telephone call ( Turner et al. , 2000 ) or a briefing before a instruction session to explicate the function of the participant ( Costello A ; Horne, 2001 ) . However, this limited or deficiency of information can ensue in user and carer participants experiencing unsure about their engagement, non understanding the intent, and experiencing that they lack expertness ( Spencer et al. , 2000 ) ; Turner et Al 2000 ; Masters et 2002 ) . Hanson and Mitchell ( 2001 ) follow a structured attack and maintain the focal point on the readying of mental wellness service users for engagement in instruction with the purpose to learn in the pre-registration of a mental wellness nursing class. A standard for engagement was users motive. The readying for mental wellness users, nevertheless, was more concerned with the techniques for the learning itself and a instruction and measuring faculty for nurses. One manner to guarantee, or at least assist equal readying is the formation of mention groups for the specific intent of SU engagement in higher instruction, for illustration by agencies of patient consultative groups through targeted audience ( Greenfield et al. , 2001 ) . Two documents discuss the procedure of organizing mention groups from bing consumer groups. Ingham ( 2001 ) describes the puting up of a mention group for the specific intent of supplying the user position to inform a new pre-registration class. Recruitment for the group was coordinated through the local wellness authorization and members were drawn from a broad spectrum of patient and voluntary service groups the mention group addressed the procedure of engagement, but in this instance, it identified land regulations for patient engagement with deductions for both the involved consumer and the educational administration. Sawley ( 2002 ) describes a series of meetings set up with consumers to specifically inform t he course of study content of kids s nursing classs. Recruitment for the group was made via a assortment of paths: a list of charities provided by the local community wellness council ; notices put up on kids s wards ; personal invitations sent to parents who nurses idea might be interested ; and by assorted media mercantile establishments. This enterprise did non merely act upon educational classs, but led to pattern development within Trusts and more effectual networking. The development of such groups to fix SUs for a function in HE bringing is surely a measure in the right way, but however can still fall quarry to the one-way street of faculty members urging and organizing these groups and puting their ain dockets. While this may sometimes be a starting point, a demand besides exists to guarantee that a bipartisan way leting SUs to put dockets excessively. This lies non merely in lending to content and bringing of instruction, but besides keeping facilitation of SUs and carers placing their ain acquisition demands and preparation development, as per recommendations by Advocacy in Action ( 2006b ) . Surveies identified from our hunts displayed grounds of such designation taking topographic point in footings of class results for wellness professionals. Two surveies reported consumers positions about what healthcare workers should be taught. All focused on service users positions about the preparation demands of mental wellness nurses ( Forrest et al. , 2000 ; Rudman, 1996 ) and the common determination was service users accent upon the humanistic qualities of lovingness and regard, and the importance of interpersonal accomplishments. Rudman ( 1996 ) collected informations from two mental wellness user groups ( 20 service users in entire ) by agencies of semi-structured group interviews. The users felt the indispensable qualities of mental wellness nursing to be: lovingness: maintaining caring despite socialization ; accessibility, immediateness and presence ; professional demeanor. Forrest et Al ( 2000 ) besides aimed to arouse user positions about the cognition, accomplishmen ts and attributes they considered that mental wellness nurses should possess but in add-on their survey explored schemes for user engagement in the on-going course of study design and bringing. Once once more, the SUs valued human qualities above professional accomplishments. A good nurse was described as person with common sense , heat and sensitiveness, as being nice and person who can be a friend. Many users in the survey felt that bing nursing classs are counterproductive with regard to the qualities they value due to the accent upon the professional qualities and the medical theoretical account. Decisions It is clear that SU engagement in HE bringing has generated many benefits for SUs, carers, pupils and faculty members likewise. Equally reviewing are the increased Numberss of surveies that seem to hold moved on from merely sing the benefits of SU engagement and are at the following degree of sing its impact, on many different degrees. There are besides, nevertheless, incompatibilities. These arise from rudimentss of nomenclature, through to the very execution of enterprises countrywide, which are at best described as patchy and unevenaˆY ( Branfield, 2009 ; Speers, 2008 ) . One of the issues that is non ever evident in the literature and hence hard to thematise is extent of engagement of service users within different countries. Recommendations of pattern such as ladders of engagement ( Gutteridge A ; Dobbins, 2009 ; Tew et al. , 2004 ) are proposed, and some bear direct relevancy to HE bringing in footings of factoring learning activities, payment for talk rates and being involved in course of study determinations ( Forrest et al. , 2000 ) . These definitions of engagement are utile to define the extent to which SUs carers might be included, but this information could farther be augmented by the development of a clear cosmopolitan model for all parties. This is particularly relevant as the barriers identified in the literature continue to tilt towards residuary concerns of wage, tokenism, representation, enlisting and power instabilities, in add-on to the possibilities of the genuineness of a SU group being diminished as members become farther ens conced in HE procedures. Many policies have been introduced to regulate the way of a more service user/patient-led wellness service. However, in malice of the increased figure of those theoretical accounts of good pattern, the engagement of users and carers in higher instruction of wellness professionals still suggests a more ad hoc and local activity than one that follows national planning. It gives the feeling of organic structures being embarked in a helter-skelter endurance contest with the purpose to turn out conformity with authorities recommendations, flagging their undertaking as the most valued 1s, alternatively of following a brooding and organized mode of interpreting those policies into pattern. Furthermore, the Numberss of those illustrations are still a few in comparing with the extended figure of policies developed to that terminal. Service users engagement is non merely the modern focal point of the NHS it is a societal motion that deserves particular contemplation and considerations ( Crossl ey, 2002 ) . Repper and Breeze ( 2004 ) observed that accent was placed on interpersonal accomplishments of nurses with the deduction that other wellness fortes were conspicuous by their absence. It besides is still evident that a larger figure of surveies so far has emerged for the nursing literature in footings of SU inclusion within mental wellness nursing programmes. Other subjects need to increase their capacity to affect SUs. There is small uncertainty that research needs to go on into this country, with peculiar accent in SU and carers positions once they have established length of service of their associations with HE establishments.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

-Environmental Management case study Assignment

-Environmental Management case study - Assignment Example (Caratti P, Dalkmann H, Jiliberto, 2004) During previous years the main concept of environmental management is entirely changed its status. However, the basic concept of environment management is still basically unaltered. (Caratti P, Dalkmann H, Jiliberto R, 2004) This study involves a multiple-baseline framework to evaluate environmental management and management systems, International environmental concerns such as Greenhouse effect, Ozone depletion and many others. (Ismaili M, Durmishi, 2006) Moreover, it identifies and analyses the relevant regulatory frameworks to assess new technologies and approaches used for environmental management. The study is meant to assess how the selected topic fits in to the overall environment management. The end of this study will present numerous significant recommendations. Its possible outcome involves significant improvement in the knowledge and understanding of most modern concepts of environment management. The study provides knowledge and new directions to future training and rese arch work within the field of environment management. The environment management community has been trying to implement laws and increase public awareness to help improve the water and air quality as well as to control solid wastes; the need is to observe potential polluters and to protect the nature. There is need to understand environmental issues. Like, the reduction of sulphur emission in the air (the only cause of acid rains), prohibition of materials that are dangerous for the ozone layer, transport control, elimination of hazardous wastes and establishment of secure standards about swimming waters. We need to supplement the old legal measures, the change is required to add a whole spectrum of new measures in order to achieve the sustainability principle like economic instruments to encourage used products and processes and financial